The school district’s open enrollment policy allows students to attend any 4J school, provided there is space available but requires completion of a School Choice form. Any student not in our attendance area, who would like to attend Colin Kelly, needs to complete a School Choice Request application online. Please click here for more information on School Choice and Open Enrollment. If you are new to our attendance area and would like to enroll your student you can stop by the office to pick up the enrollment packet or click here for the enrollment packet.
Yujin Gakuen ~ Yujin Gakuen is a K – 12 program. As such, fifth-grade students transitioning from the elementary YG program do not need to fill out a School Choice form if they are continuing on with the sixth grade Colin Kelly program. Similarly, 6th and 7th graders currently enrolled in the YG program do not need to complete a School Choice form.
Spanish Dual Immersion is a continuation of the River Road/El Camino del Rio program. As such, fifth-grade students transitioning from the elementary program do not need to fill out a School Choice form if they are continuing on with the sixth grade Colin Kelly program.
Parent funding support is needed to maintain a strong instructional program for our students. This funding support is used to maintain instructional technology, to help make field trips possible, for classroom supply costs that exceed our general district funding, and to purchase student planners. The student planner is used to help teach organizational and time management skills, as well as a communication device between school and home. We understand that some families may find this contribution to be financially challenging or may choose to contribute in other ways, and therefore please know that these are not required.
General School Support…. $50.00