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School Policies & Procedures

  • The school district waits until 6 AM to make and broadcast a decision about school delays and closures.
    In the event of potential school closure or limited operations due to hazardous weather, information will be posted on the home page of the District website.

  • Information will also be broadcast on many other local radio and TV stations. However, the best source for detailed information will remain the District website or the District radio station, KRVM-FM 91.9, because we can ensure that complete and accurate messages at these two locations.

  • If parents or guardians have concerns or complaints, they are encouraged to use the following procedures. Speak to the person with whom you directly have the concern or complaint and try to resolve the problem at an informal verbal level. The next step is to speak to an administrator. If you are not satisfied with how the problem is resolved, contact the District Office.

    If students have concerns about peer interactions, bullying & harassment, or ways to improve the school, they can speak to the person with whom they directly have the concern or complaint and try to resolve the problem at an informal verbal level or work with a counselor to determine next problem-solving steps.  The next step is to speak to an administrator or fill out a student action form.

    Student action forms are available in all classrooms, the counseling center, the front office, and this website under the students tab. The student action form can be directly submitted to the front office staff, and administration, or deposited into one of the two “black boxes” located in the library and cafeteria. These black boxes are checked on a daily basis to ensure that students' concerns and proposed actions are addressed.

  • Parents should feel free to come and visit the school at any time. An extra treat for all is to come and have lunch with your student. Please check in at the office first.

    Students who are not enrolled at Kelly are not encouraged to visit while classes are in session (especially high school students). Students may not bring pets to school. (The only exception is with permission from a teacher for a specific class and then only for the time of that class.) Middle-school-age visitors are accepted during regular school hours (including social activities) when the following conditions are met:

    1. The visitor is a relative or friend from outside of Lane County.
    2. The visitor’s school is not in session during the day of the visit.
    3. The visitor is in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade (middle school age).
    4. At least one day prior to the visit, the student gets a permission slip from the office and has each teacher sign to give approval for the visit. Approval must also be obtained prior to the visiting date from either the principal or assistant principal.
    5. No visitors are allowed during the last 10 days of the school year. No exceptions.
    6. Only Kelly 8th graders (or those who attended Kelly and are currently 8th graders) may attend the end of the year 8th grade party.
  • Homework is expected to be finished and turned in when it is due. Homework amount and frequency varies with each class. Teachers will explain homework expectations at the beginning of each semester. The course expectation sheet will be kept in the student notebook. All student’s are expected to keep track of their daily assignments in their planners. If you have questions about homework assignments or if a student has a difficult time with a homework assignment, be sure to call or email the teacher.

    If a student is ill or injured and not able to attend school, teachers prefer to have the student concentrate on getting well, and wait until a return to school to get homework assignments. This seems to work well, especially if there are specific directions or help is needed. However, if a student is going to be absent for an extended time (3 days or more), parents may request homework. The office will forward the request to teachers, and parents may then pick up the assignments the following day. (24 hours after the request).

  • Students work will be evaluated and reported to parents in writing every six weeks throughout the school year. If a student falls behind in assignments, needs more structure, or parents request more frequent notification, please contact your student’s teachers to work out a plan. Parents and students have access to Synergy, the district online resource where they have access to the teacher’s grade book. An activation code is needed to access your account, please contact the office for your code. Specific details on how activities will be graded in each class will be explained to each student at the beginning of the course.

  • Mid-trimester progress reports are sent to the parents of every student. These reports will be mailed home to parents at the six-week point and final grades at the end of each trimester. Parents are encouraged to meet with teachers, call or email regarding their student. Teacher email and phone numbers can be found on our website on the contact page. The counselor is also available to help determine what steps are necessary to gain assistance.

  • Cell phones, internet accessible devices and all other electronics including ear buds must be turned off and put away during the school day. This also includes lunch time. School staff will confiscate any electronic devices not turned off and put away during the school day and turn them in to the office. Refer to page 16 for consequences. Teachers may allow students to use electronic devices within their classroom for instructional purposes and will determine their room policy regarding electronics explicitly in writing.

  • Academic excellence with the least amount of disruption for our students is one of our top priorities at Kelly. Student displays of affection are limited to hand-holding and three-second hugs. If this policy is abused, parents will be contacted.

  • Kelly Middle Schools are committed to the use of technology as an essential part of the 21st century classroom. Special care must be taken to ensure the proper use and handling of technology. The following guidelines should provide students, staff and families, a basis by which to approach the use of technology in a safe, sensible, and appropriate manner.

    Responsibility – Students should use school technology for educational purposes only. This includes, but may not be limited to: classroom related use, career development, and teacher approved enrichment opportunities. When in doubt, students must always seek the approval of their teacher before using technology for any potentially questionable purpose. Examples of prohibited sites include: Social media, chat rooms, instant messaging, shopping sites, personal email sites, non-educational blogs, or sites with adult content.

    Respect – Students must respect the technology they use, and should always leave it in the same condition in which they found it. Physical abuse of computers and technology will not be tolerated. Food and drinks are not permitted around the computers. Students will learn how to handle school technology, and will be expected to handle it safely and effectively. Students and their parents/guardians may be held responsible for any damages done to computers or technology. Students should direct their attention toward their own work, and should leave the work of other students alone. In addition, students must NOT engage in cyber-bullying (the use of technology to intimidate, harass, menace, or demean others). Kelly reserves the right to apply consequences for any cyber-bullying that affects students during school hours, whether or not the bullying occurred during school hours or on school grounds. Please note: Any hand-held electronic device or personal laptop computer is not permitted to be used in the classroom or during school hours, unless with the approval of a faculty or administration member.

    Consequences for inappropriate use include, but are not limited to:

    • Verbal and written warnings.
    • Loss of computer or technology privileges for the remainder of the day.
    • Loss of computer or technology privileges for one week or more.
    • Referral or other consequences as deemed appropriate by faculty
    • Financial compensation for damaged technology.
  • Kelly is a closed campus. Students are not to leave school without checking out in the main office. Students will not be allowed to leave the campus unless they bring a note from a parent or we receive a telephone request from a parent. This check out procedure is essential for building security and student protection. Approval through the assistant principal and an official LUNCH PASS is required for a student to go home for lunch. The student may only go to her/his own home. Failure to follow these rules will result in the lunch pass being revoked.

  • The lost and found (for clothing) is located outside of the gym. Students are encouraged to check the lost and found during lunchtime for lost items of clothing. Lost books may be found in the library. Small personal items (jewelry, watches, wallets, etc.) and backpacks will be kept in the office. Items not picked up will be given to charity.

  • Students at Kelly are expected to dress appropriately at school. Attire should be conducive to maintaining a good learning environment and should not create a disruption. Students are required by state law to wear shoes at all times. Any clothing that is disruptive, immodest, or dangerous will not be permitted (see the 4J Student’s Rights & Responsibilities Handbook). Prohibited attire at school includes, but is not limited to:

    • Clothing that is overly revealing (i.e, visible display of chest, buttocks, midriff, and underwear);
    • Any articles of clothing that promote, or make inferences or references to sex, violence, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, racism, or discriminatory language; this includes any drug-related paraphernalia that could be worn;
    • Gang-related clothing (i.e. bandanas), other gang-related communication;
    • Any other content inconsistent with a positive learning environment as interpreted by school administrators.
  • Staff and administration will monitor student appearance. Students in violation of the dress code may face the following consequences:

    • 1st offense: sent to the office/required to change/warning
    • 2nd offense: required to change/parent notified
    • 3rd offense: required to change/parent notified, daily check in.
    • Students out of dress code will be denied entrance to dances, athletic and other school events until they are appropriately attired.

    Continued violations of the dress code will be considered a serious matter and further disciplinary action may be taken. The above criteria are clearly stated, but no policy can encompass all possible variations of personal appearance. Kelly expects students to use good judgment. The administration reserves the right to interpret the above policy and to amend or expand the policy as new fashions arise. Staff reserves the right to ask students to remove their hoods and hats.

  • Telephones: Students are welcome to use the school phone during lunch or in case of emergency.

    Messages for Students: We only disturb classes with parent messages in an emergency. To get non-emergency messages to students, names will be posted outside the office on the message board, indicating a message is waiting in the office.

  • We would prefer that parents refrain from not bringing gifts (flowers, candy, balloons, etc.) to school for their children. However, if gifts are brought to school, the gifts will remain in the office until the end of the school day, to avoid disrupting academics. During the day students will be notified that we have something for them in the office. They may come at lunchtime and see the gift, but may not remove it from the office until after school.

  • Because we have no school nurse, please do not send students to school if they are running a fever. Students, if you are hurt or ill at school, please report to your teacher. Your teacher will give you a hall pass to come to the office. (In the case of an emergency, seek assistance from the nearest staff member.) Do not come to the office between classes or without checking in with your teacher. The secretary will assist you. Students may rest in the nurse’s area for 10 minutes. After that, students either return to class, or contact a parent or guardian for permission to go home. Students are not to leave school because of illness without checking out through the office.

  • School personnel may assist a student to manage prescription and non-prescription medication only under the directions of a physician.

    Prescription medication will be accepted only in the original container properly labeled by the pharmacist. This label will serve as the physician’s written instructions. The parent must fill out medication consent forms (available in the front office). Students may carry a 1-day supply of non-prescription medication with them, as long as they also carry a note from the parent specifying the name of the medication and dose to be taken.

    All medication requested to be administered by school personnel must be checked in the office with school personnel and kept in a locked cupboard. The student may carry emergency medication/inhalers with parent and physician written instruction.

    School personnel will accept changes in medication dosages only with the new properly labeled pharmacy container reflecting the dosage and/or time changes.

    Parents are responsible for transportation of medication to and from school. Parents are responsible for refilling the school’s supply of medication and keeping track of that supply. Parents are responsible for the preparation of all tablets (e.g., halving tablets). Parents are responsible for picking up all unused medication at the end of the school year.

    Any medication remaining at school after the close of the year will be properly discarded.

    Click here for access to the district Health Services web page for more information on services available and forms.

  • We welcome parents/guardians to Kelly; lunch is a great time to visit with your student. Please remember all visitors must check in at the office. If you are coming to meet with a teacher or administration to talk about a concern or your child’s progress, please call in advance to make an appointment. We strive to be responsive to parents needs; however ad hoc appointments can interfere with instruction and we may be unable to ensure our availability to you.

    Students who are enrolled in schools other than Kelly may not visit while classes are in session. Students may not bring small children or pets to school. (The only exception is with permission from a teacher for a specific class and then only for the time of that class.) Middle-school-age visitors are allowed during regular school hours (including social activities) when the following conditions are met:

    1. The visitor is a relative or friend from outside of Lane County.
    2. The visitor’s school is not in session during the day of the visit.
    3. The visitor is in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade (middle school age).
    4. At least one day prior to the visit, the student gets a permission slip from the office and has each teacher sign to give approval for the visit.
    5. Approval is obtained prior to the visiting date from either the principal or assistant principal.
    6. No visitors are allowed during the last 10 days of the school year. No exceptions.
  • It is very important you call the school (541-790-4740) when your student is unable to attend. If you do not have a phone, please send a note with your child when s/he returns to school. If your child is absent three school days in a row, or has irregular attendance, a note from a doctor or nurse practitioner (available at North Eugene High School Clinic) may be required.

    The State of Oregon legislators feel so strongly about the importance of regular attendance in schools that they have passed the following laws:

    Duty to send children to school
    Oregon Revised Statute 339.020 states: “…every person having control of any child between the ages of 7 and 18 years who has not completed the 12th grade is required to send such child to and maintain such child in regular attendance at a public full-time school during the entire school term.”

    Irregular attendance
    Oregon Revised Statute 339.065 states: “Eight unexcused one-half day [four full days] absences in any four-week period during which school is in session shall be considered irregular attendance.” If a student has irregular attendance, as described above, a letter will be sent home notifying parents of are concern, requiring a doctor’s note, and/or communicating a potential truancy filing. If a doctor’s note is required it must indicate that the child was too ill to return to school. Please note, that excused absences will also count towards what Kelly considers irregular attendance.

    Excused absences
    Oregon Revised Statute 339.065 states: “An absence may be excused…if the absence is caused by the pupil’s sickness, by the sickness of some member of the pupil’s family or by an emergency. A principal or teacher may also excuse absences for other reasons where satisfactory arrangements are made in advance of the absence.” The Kelly staff primarily limits “other reasons” to doctor or dentist appointments that cannot be made outside the school day. Baby-sitting, vacations, and family social events are generally not considered acceptable reasons to miss school.

    Citation for not maintaining student in regular attendance.
    Oregon Administrative Rule 581-21-077 states: “the failure to send the student and to maintain the student in regular attendance is a Class B infraction…the superintendent may issue a citation of up to $180, plus $55 in court fees.”

  • All students are expected to be seated in class with the proper materials before class begins. Consequences for correcting tardies are determined by the classroom teacher, and may include such things as lunch detention and time owed. If the pattern continues, this may result in a referral to the office.

    Students who are late arriving to school will be considered late for a half day period. The Oregon Revised Statue 339.065, for irregular attendance, will be applied if the student has a pattern of late arrivals.


  • Bus service is provided for students who live on the bus routes. Routes and schedules can be found on the Transportation website. In order to ride the bus as a guest, students must have a written note from a parent or guardian that will be stamped by the front office and given to the bus driver. Please do not call the school if your student wants to ride the bus home with a friend. Riding the bus is a privilege, and all school rules apply to bus riders. Breaking these rules may result in the loss of their bus privilege.

  • A large number of students ride their bikes to school each day. To ensure the safety of riders and pedestrians, bike riders should walk their bikes on campus. Recreational riding on school grounds is prohibited. Upon arriving at school, students should lock their bike inside the paddock for the remainder of the school day. The bike paddock is unlocked at the end of the instructional day. All students should wear helmets.

    It is a good idea to register bicycles with the Sheriff’s Department before the school year begins. If a bike is damaged or vandalized by another student it is recommended that the two parties negotiate a settlement to cover damages. In the event a student’s bike is stolen from the paddock, the student’s parents should contact the Sheriff’s Department immediately. If we can assist in any way, please call an administrator.

  • Once on campus all skateboards, roller blades must be put away in lockers. These activities are prohibited on campus.

  • The Eugene School District’s Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook sets forth the rights and responsibilities of students and the standards for student conduct as adopted by the Board of Directors of School District 4J, Eugene, Oregon. The widest possible distribution of this handbook to students and parents is required by Oregon State Law (ORS 339.240).

    Students and parents are encouraged to read this handbook carefully and retain it for future reference. The italicized paragraphs that introduce each section describe existing conditions or laws. The paragraphs that follow outline the rights and responsibilities of all students who attend school in Eugene School District 4J.

    The board of directors has delegated authority for the administration, application, and interpretation of these rules to the superintendent. Individual schools in the district have the authority to adopt and implement school rules to assist them in implementing the policies established in this handbook. No school, however, has the authority to modify these rules. Schools are responsible for distributing their rules, and students and parents are encouraged to become familiar with them.


Be Responsible • Be Respectful • Be Safe

    1. Act in a safe and healthy way. Follow the various rules around the school and on the buses.
    2. Treat all property with respect. Take care of textbooks, furniture, bathrooms, computers, and personal property of others.
    3. Respect the rights and needs of others. Work without disruption, show courtesy toward others, cooperate to help others learn, use appropriate and respectful language.
    4. Take responsibility for learning. Work hard and do your best. Come to school prepared to learn, be a good listener, turn your assignments in on time, do your homework, and set a good example for others.
    5. Comply with reasonable requests from bus drivers, teachers, administration, and other support staff.
  • We are PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support) school, which means we use a school-wide approach to teach students our behavioral expectations, and recognize students who consistently follow the rules by the following:

    • PBIS Drawings
    • Fests
    • Classroom Drawings
  • The purpose of the disciplinary system is to provide a deterrent for misbehavior while providing opportunities to teach correct behavior to students. Each disciplinary consequence will have both of these components. We will use consequences that will provide a learning experience for students on an individual basis because it is recognized that there are individual differences between students.

  • •Apology  •Mutual agreement  •Conference with Parents
    •Clean it up  •Complete a Research Project  •Reassignment
    •Give it back  •Community Service  •Loss of Privileges
    •Restitution  •Counseling  •Suspension
    •Time Out  •Private Conference  •Expulsion

    Students who do not comply with the rules of in-school suspension will be sent home to complete the suspension. Any student receiving 3 suspensions during any semester or 6 suspensions for the year may be recommended for expulsion.

    These rules are consistent with the district Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.

  • Students may face disciplinary consequences for conduct that occurs off the school premises at school-related or supervised functions and at a school bus stop, including (1) behavior that occurs while traveling to and from school if the behavior has a threatening effect on student safety or physical health or (2) any off-campus behavior that would otherwise tend to disrupt the education process or the operation of the school district.


Summary of Behavior Guideline Process:

Step 1. Level One – Classroom teacher (Core, Flex or Related Arts)
Step 2. Level Two – Core Team discussion and action and parent call
Step 3. Level Three – After level one and two have been attempted

  • Incidents of not meeting classroom and school expectations (minor rule violations) that will result in an immediate instructionally based staff response. Documentation occurs by the staff member for their records.


    • Talk-outs – Put downs – Off-task – Disruptive transition
    • Lack of focus – Noise making – Hands/Feet/Objects not to self
    • Unexcused tardy – Inappropriate comments – Note passing
    • Initially refusing directions – Unprepared – Low level disrespect
    • Littering – Gum chewing – Dress code


    • Remind, redirect, reinforce – Verbal Correction – Time-out
    • May apply small consequence: loss of privilege, letter of explanation or plan of change, classroom clean-up, lunch detention in room
    • Teach appropriate behavior and student will demonstrate
  • Repeated level one behaviors that are of a greater intensity, frequency, intent, or result but are not yet at the level of serious misconduct. Documentation results in a behavior citation* and a phone call will be made home to a parent/guardian by a team member.


    • Repeated level one behaviors as listed above that requires formal documentation (behavior citation) and a phone call home by team member
    • Disrespect toward adults – Teasing – Classroom disruption
    • Verbal or Physical provocation – Directed profanity
    • Uncooperative behavior – Plagiarism/cheating


    • Remind, redirect, reinforce – call home – time-out
    • Detention room – classroom clean-up – loss of privilege
    • Complete student problem solving sheet
    • Consult with/involve support team (SST, Counselor, Administrator)
    • Grade level teacher exchanges
    • Phone conference with teacher, parent and student

    *Behavior Citation, Level two:

    • Issued by classroom teacher and accompanied by a phone call from a team member to parent.
    • White copy of citation to Tammi for lunch detention (if assigned consequence), otherwise send to office.
    • Yellow copy to student for admission into lunch detention room (if assigned consequence), otherwise take home to parent.
    • Pink copy will be kept by the grade level core teams for documentation. (Related arts will pass their pink copy to core team)
  • Serious misconduct and behaviors that endanger the safety or well being of students and/or staff or behaviors that result in the sustained disruption of normal classroom and school function. These behaviors can also result in immediate suspension but may also be corrected with a variety of consequences. Students who engage in Level Three behaviors will be referred to the administration for immediate corrective action. The administrator will issue appropriate consequences, notify parents, and facilitate corrective action designed to help improve the student’s behavior.


    • Repeated level 2 behaviors and attempts to correct with parent notification
    • Fighting – Defiance – Harassment – Bullying – Theft
    • Refusal – Unsafe activities – Obscenities
    • Not complying with a consequence given for a Level Two behavior


    • Remind, redirect, reinforce (in non-emergencies)
    • Send student(s) to office (if necessary to gain control)
    • Action by administration (apply Kelly Planner consequences)
    • Parent contact by administrator and teacher
    • In school or out of school suspension
    • Community Service
  • ARSON: Intentionally setting a fire, regardless of size, involves a great danger to life and property and cannot be regarded as a harmless prank. All cases of violation of this rule will be considered arson with the intent to damage school property.

    • 1st Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion. Refer to law enforcement agency.

    ASSAULT: Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing injury (including sexual assault) to other persons shall be considered assault.

    • 1st Offense – Recommend expulsion. Refer to law enforcement agency.

    BOMB THREAT: Oral, telephone or written threats of bombing are considered bomb threats and are prohibited.

    • 1st Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion. Refer to law enforcement agency.

    BULLYING: Behavior that physically or emotionally harms another student, or creates an environment where students do not feel safe to learn (persistent teasing, rumor-spreading, threats, cyber-bullying, use of cell phones).

    • 1st Offense – 1-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – 2-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 4-day suspension.

    BURGLARY – I: Breaking and entering into any school locker, office room, or desk with the intent to commit a crime or to destroy school or private property will be considered burglary.

    • 1st Offense – Minimum 3-day suspension or up to recommend expulsion. Restitution must be negotiated before return to school. Refer to law enforcement agency.

    BURGLARY – II: Breaking and entering any school with intent to commit a crime is burglary and is in violation of district rules as well as state law.

    • 1st Offense – Recommend expulsion. Refer to law enforcement agency.

    CELL PHONES, TEXT MESSAGING, AND ANY ELECTRONICS USED AT INAPPROPRIATE TIMES: Cell phones, internet accessible devices and all other electronics including ear buds must be turned off and put away during the school day. This also includes lunch time. School staff will confiscate any electronic devices not turned off and put away during the school day and turn them into the office. Teachers may allow students to use electronic devices within their classroom for instructional purposes and will determine their room policy regarding electronics explicitly in writing.

    • 1st Offense – Student must pick the phone up from an administrator at the end of day and at the administrator’s convenience (i.e., waiting until the administrator is off of bus duty, or picking up the next morning if the administrators are out of the building).
    • 2nd Offense – Parent must pick up phone.
    • 3rd Offense – Student loses cell phone privileges for the year.

    CHRONIC TARDIES: Arriving late to school – arriving late to classes.

    • Procedure – Consequences to be administered by assigned classroom teacher, grade level teams and administrators. Truancy may be filed.

    COERCION, BLACKMAIL, EXTORTION: Obtaining money or property by violence or threat of violence; forcing a person to do something against her/his own will by force, or threat of force, or by threatening to accuse another of a crime are violations of district rules as well as state law.

    • 1st Offense – Minimum 5-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – Recommend expulsion. Refer to law enforcement agency.

    COMBUSTIBLES: (Explosive Materials): The possession, sale, distribution or use of any form of explosive materials is in violation of state law and school rules. The extreme hazard to the safety of pupils, staff, and property require strict enforcement.

    • 1st Offense – Minimum 2-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – Minimum 5-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion.

    CONTINUING DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR: Actions which disrupt normal classroom activities, or interfere with the normal operations of the school or interfere with the rights and property of other students or staff, are unacceptable. Examples of disruptive behavior include but are not limited to a) Destroying property b) Harassment (see specific heading) c) Littering d) Loud shouting or screaming e) Profanity to staff or students f) Inappropriate displays of affection.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion. Substitutes: In the event a student is sent from the classroom by a substitute teacher, the student may be sent home for the day.

    DEFIANCE OF SCHOOL AUTHORITY (INSUBORDINATION): Refusal to comply with reasonable requests of teachers, bus drivers, or other authorities is considered insubordination.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion.

    DISRUPTIVE DEVICES: All devices such as noisemakers, smoke bombs, squirt guns, water balloons, etc., have no place on school property and are considered disruptive.

    • 1st Offense – 1-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – 3-day suspension.

    DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: No student shall possess, use, transport, or be under the influence of any controlled substance or intoxicant of any kind on the school grounds or off the school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, function, or event.

    • Procedure – Item(s) confiscated. Depending on seriousness, full range of sanctions applies, including suspension up to 10 days and expulsion. May refer to law enforcement agency.

    FALSE ALARMS: The willful act of pulling fire alarms is a FALSE ALARM and will not be tolerated.

    • 1st Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion. Refer to law enforcement.

    FIGHTING/PHYSICAL AGGRESSION: Any student who is responsible for participating in or provoking a fight on school property, on a school bus, or at any school-sponsored activity will be in violation of the school rules regarding fighting. When it is impossible to determine the original motivation or arguments resulting in the fight, both parties will be held equally responsible.

    • 1st Offense – 3-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – 5-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion.

    FORGERY: The illegal use of a teacher’s, administrator’s, or parent’s signature is considered forgery. Students writing their own excuses, for other students, or using forged excuses are considered in violation.

    • 1st Offense – Minimum 2-day suspension. May refer to law enforcement agency. Re-admittance to school will require parent conference and full restitution.
    • 2nd Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion.

    GAMBLING: All forms of gambling are forbidden and will not be permitted. Soliciting or conducting a lottery on school grounds is also forbidden.

    • 1st Offense – 1-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – 3-day suspension. Re-admittance to school will require parent conference and full restitution.

    GUM CHEWING: Rules or expectations will be left to the discretion of individual teachers. Gum chewing is a privilege and in order to maintain this privilege the school must remain clean and gum chewing must not become a distraction to learning.
    HARASSMENT: Verbal, visual and physical behavior that is perceived by the receiver as unwelcome, calls specific attention to a person’s gender, race, ethnicity, or disability, creates a hostile or adverse work environment, treats students or groups of students differently because of gender, race, ethnic group, religion, age or disability. This can include any form of hazing, initiation, intimidation, use of inappropriate or disrespectful language, or degrading put downs of students, teachers or staff members.

    • 1st Offense – 1-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – 3-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion.
    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion.

    HORSEPLAY LEADING TO ANGER and/or INJURY: Students who engage in rough play that involves pushing, shoving, kicking, tackling, hitting or grabbing, etc, in which one, or more parties become angry and/or injured are considered in violation of this rule.

    • 1st Offense – 1-day suspension.
    • 2nd Offense – 2-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 4-day suspension.

    LEAVING CAMPUS, RESTRICTED AREAS: Kelly is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus or be in any restricted areas without written permission.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion.

    LYING/PLAGIARISM: Lying or cheating on school work is inappropriate behavior and will not be tolerated. This also includes starting and/or continuing rumors about students and staff members.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion.

    PANTSING (pants AND under shorts come down): Pantsing is the act of pulling down another’s pants. This can be extremely embarrassing and can ultimately subject a student to public humiliation.

    • 1st Offense: 1-day suspension (if undershorts do NOT come down = 1 day ISS).
    • 2nd Offense: 2-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense: 3-day suspension.

    PHYSICAL AGGRESSION: Physical contact (pushing, shoving, kicking, slapping, pinching, hitting, etc).

    • 1st Offense – 1-day ISS.
    • 2nd Offense – 1-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 2-day suspension.

    SKIPPING, TRUANCY & UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: Students who skip class or school, who are absent from class without parental, guardian, or school authorization are considered in violation of ORS and school rules, and will make up missed time in ISS.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions applies including in school suspension. *Oregon law now allows a school district to issue a citation of $150 to parents whose children do not attend school.

    SOLICITING: Students are not allowed to sell or buy goods on the school campus for private profit. All sales on school grounds must profit a school organization and must be approved by the principal.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion.

    TECHNOLOGY ABUSE: Using technology in an inappropriate fashion will not be tolerated.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion and financial restitution.

    THEFT: Any student, while under the supervision of the school, who commits or attempts to commit an act of theft against the school, a fellow student, or against any other party will be in violation of school rules.

    • 1st Offense – Minimum 1-day suspension. May refer to law enforcement agency each time.
    • 2nd Offense – Minimum 3-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 10-day suspension and recommend expulsion.

    TOBACCO PARAPHERNALIA: The possession or use of any paraphernalia expressly used for smoking, such as a pipe, cigarette papers, lighters, matches, etc. This also inculdes e-cigarettes.

    • 1st Offense – 1-day suspension
    • 2nd Offense – 3-day suspension.
    • 3rd Offense – 5-day suspension.
    • Procedure – Item(s) confiscated. Depending on seriousness, full range of sanctions applies, including suspension up to 10 days and expulsion. May refer to law enforcement agency.

    TOBACCO: USE, POSSESSION, SALE OR DISTRIBUTION: The sale, distribution, possession or use of tobacco in any form on school grounds or while attending any school sponsored activity or while being transported on any school bus.

    • Procedure – Item(s) confiscated. Depending on seriousness, full range of sanctions applies, including suspension up to 10 days and expulsion. May refer to law enforcement agency.

    VANDALISM: Any willful vandalism or destruction of school property is a violation of school rules.

    • Procedure – Full range of sanctions apply including restitution, suspension up to 10 days and possible expulsion. Refer to law enforcement agency.

    VULGAR AND PLAINLY OFFENSIVE OR OBSCENE LANGUAGE/GESTURES AND PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIALS: The use of language and/or gestures that are vulgar and plainly offensive, obscene, or sexually explicit is sufficient cause for disciplinary action. Clothing with profane or obscene references and comments is prohibited.
    Profanity directed at a staff member/adult will result in a 3-day suspension for the 1st offense and a 10-day suspension and referral to expulsion for the 2nd offense.
    Possession of pornographic materials, including those accessed through the Internet will not be tolerated.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion.

    WEAPONS: The possession of any weapon or object considered detrimental to the education process of the school setting or which may be used to disrupt or endanger people in that setting is prohibited. No student shall possess, carry, exhibit, display or draw any firearm, dagger, sword, knife, or other cutting or stabbing instrument, nor shall any instrument capable of producing bodily harm be displayed in such a manner as to intimidate another person or create fears for the safety of another person. Any such objects discovered at school will be confiscated.

    • Procedure – Depending on seriousness of situation, full range of sanctions apply including suspension and possible expulsion. Under Oregon Law a student bringing a dangerous weapon to school must be expelled for a calendar year. The Superintendent will decide exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

    Please Note: School choice in neighborhood schools may be revoked by the superintendent or designee for irregular attendance, chronic tardiness, or persistent refusal to abide by rules for student behavior in effect at the school.